6 Jul 2013, 9:38pm

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That poses a problem of timetables. It can two classes take place at the same time and therefore you will have to choose another time for this class, or even change of subject. It also poses a problem. If the career that you are still in your country of origin is composed of such varied subjects, it is likely that the level of information technology that is acquired is not the same as the level acquired in a career specialising in computer science. Therefore, can be a little tricky sometimes follow the class. In addition, if you are still a third year class for example, you’ve not followed the first two courses before and some knowledge that the teacher will instead consider miss you as acquired.

On the implementation of the ECTS system: it is assumed that the ECTS system is used for recognition of classes followed abroad. Works in the following manner: each course is worth a number of credits based on the number of hours per week and personal workload that represents for the student. An academic year is worth 60 credits (one semester, 30). Therefore, when going on Erasmus, you write your plan of study and upon reaching the 30 credits per semester, have the number of sufficient subjects. The problem arises when the host University and/or the origin do not apply this system. Assumes that all have to apply but for being a recent system, certain universities do not implement it properly yet. What can can move? One example among others is that your home University is not based on credit but on subjects. If your career (in your country) is composed of 10 subjects of a weekly duration of 2 hours each, you have a weekly schedule of 20 hours a week.

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