When laying drains should be guided by the following considerations: – the distance between drains should not exceed 10-15 meters – cut off drains to streams of water from the site, located higher up the slope – the drain should protect the foundations of retaining walls, foundation tracks and platforms – drains should be laid with a slope as the water moves by gravity to him – to connect the drains better use of tees at 45 degrees. Joining Drain performed in the course of water movement. The drainage system of building foundations and structures for the device the system uses the same materials and the same principles as that for device drain collection system of surface waters. The only major difference, and – laying the drains running on the depth of the basement, but not less than 1.2 m (below the freezing ground). This depth is necessary, so that when winter thaws and spring snowmelt when the soil is not otmerzla, the system could work and take the resulting water off-site. System for collecting storm water problem of the system – the collection and removal off-site storm water collected from the roof gutters and pipes and drainage of water from paved areas. The volume of storm water is large enough. Not laying this system, you not only raskuete drown in the puddles after every rain, but also dampen the foundation and get swollen concrete foundation of your parking space. For a device collection systems rain water used PVC pipe with a diameter of 110 mm; dozhdepriemnye wells installed under the downpipes and gutters dozhdepriemnye, which are installed at the bottom of stairs (to collect water flowing down the stairs), and in paving, which occupies a large area (disperse water from paved areas), as well as a place where you plan to wash the car.
Sharpening Chisels
Sharpening chisels for carving. Acute chisel cleanly and easily cuts the tree, run with it – fun. Good sharp tool leaves no rough edges, cut gives smooth, with a slight sheen. Depending on the degree blunt grinding process is divided into three types. The first type of sharpening applied when necessary to restore a chamfer or spalled edge. Therefore, grinding of the first kind in the blunting spend winepress, grinding wheels different granularity. In order to prevent spalling of the metal, it is necessary to remove thin layers of a few passages. Bevel, filmed during grinding, becomes slightly concave, the concavity of the radius depends on the diameter of the grinding range: the lower range, the deeper the cut.
When enchanted by a circle with a large grain size are deep longitudinal risks that it is desirable to remove the fine-grained abrasive at the same diameter as the coarse range. That the metal sliver less, better to grind at low speeds of the machine, if it is regulated by the speed. Sharpened tools to move smoothly over the surface of the grinding wheel is strictly at a right angle, that achieved by proper installation of paintings on podruchnike grinding machine with respect to the circle. After machining grinding by hand to keep sticks of different grits and finish grinding on the touchstone. Burr.
On the burr should pay special attention, it has a significant impact on the quality of grinding, and as a consequence, the subsequent process of carving. In the process of chamfering metal is shifted to the end of the wedge and remains on the cutting edge in the form of jagged stripes – Burr. The particles are connected to the burr blade. When sharpening must ensure that a smooth burr thread separated from the blade came down himself. If it will break off, then on the cutting edge Risks remain that will leave marks on the treated wood. The second facet. A role in sharpening plays second facet. As mentioned, when sharpening a chisel blade bevel is formed, the concave radius of the circle, This is the first facet, it is relatively wide, depending on the thickness of the fabric. The second facet is a narrow ribbon on the end of the first bevel and blade forms an angle slightly greater than the angle first bevel. The second facet has to be polished to a mirror finish on fine whetstone and brought up at the end of the severity of the razor. We have examined in detail the first type most grinding from coarse emery wheel on the stage before the final polishing and editing on whetstone, and skin. The second type is used for sharpening the blade dulled on average, when the facet has retained its shape, and considerably dull blade. In this case, a bar on fine-grained sharpening until slightly noticeable burr and reduce it to the above method, and then rule on the touchstone, and skin. The third type of sharpening is used with a slight edge is dulled, that is performed only on the touchstone of correction and skin without removing the burr.