16 Aug 2020, 5:48am

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Younect extends the capabilities to the professional self representation in Berlin, 03.03.2009 – since this week, the new, extended profiles are available on available. The user can make stages of your CV now even more detailed information. Helper functions, navigation and layout have been adjusted. The candidate profile contains among other things information about education, qualifications, practical experience, abroad, language skills and personal interests of the applicants. The profile will be activated by the user, as soon as he is actively looking for a training or an internship. Jointly with the competency profiles, the profiles form the core of the s matchings developed by Younect.

To find new employees in times of demographic changes and talent shortage and to bind, in the long term, it is essential as perfectly match the needs of professionals and companies. This refers to the skills required for a job, as well as on the individual career as well as the personal preferences of the new recruits. The e-matching determined automatically matches between the requirements of the employer and the details of the entry level. The software company proposes them matching candidate profiles which are then visible in anonymised form. Data sovereignty lies with the user.

Only if the applicant unlocks its data, the contact is concluded. Because the new candidate profile allows a more individualised specification of data, the matches between professionals and companies can be found easily. Thus, the expansion of functions represents a win for both sides. Press contact Younect GmbH, Karntener Strasse 8, 10827 Berlin Martin Gaedt, Tel.: 030/76 76 86 72 E-Mail: Web:

2 Feb 2015, 5:23pm

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Craftsman Website

MS room design wins 1st place in the category painter and Varnisher held the Golden Hammer of Sachsen for Saxony’s best craftsman website painters by MS room design from Chemnitz already in the hands, and now has added an award of higher rank. Designed by the Berlin Internet Agency bit skin is the craftsman page of 2013 category painter and Varnisher. Over 100 competitors fought for the title against over 100 competitors bit skin customer MS room design prevailed and landed on the first rank after jury – and online public vote. “The jury of the competition organised by the craftsman Portal MyHammer praises the site from the home bit skin: the Web page already has the title of Saxony hammer won and convinced creative design: step by step creates a new living room before the eyes of the user.” Parallax-scrolling effect is the catcher of the website the decision makers of the competition were impressed especially by the Parallax scrolling effect of the site. By scrolling with the mouse, a ruined turns into flowing movements in a new living room. Bit skin thanks the site MS-space design and his team and hence the award would have been impossible without the creative collaboration between MS room design and bit skin. The Internet Agency bit skin would like to thank your team for the outstanding performance. To see the winner website in the category are there painters and Varnishers here:.

13 Jan 2015, 9:05am

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Responsive Web Design

“SalesMachine GmbH Stuttgart Werbeagentur, Internetagentur responsive Web design” is a technique for creating interagierendem Web design, in which the website adapts to the requirements of the respective device. New Web pages or relaunch of existing Web pages the use of responsive Web design is quality and cost reasons. The world of information gathering has changed markedly in recent years. So we get our information no longer solely about the newspaper, television or radio, but mainly in the workplace, at home on the computer or on the go with the help of new technologies like tablets, smartphones and other mobile, Internet-enabled receivers. Already one-third of Internet users are today via mobile phone to the Internet. The display sizes of this different device types vary significantly the responsive Web design was developed.

What is the responsive Web design? Responsiveness means sensitivity. In other words, it is a reactive or… Web design. A Web design that automatically adapts to the requirements of the device and automatically optimizes the appearance of the page. It is suitable for the practical and easy to use use of the respective page for all Internet-enabled devices. Because, as the nature of the display size varies, so the type of the input options varies. A Web site created by responsivem Web design can immediately see whether the possibility of input of the device is based on keyboard, mouse, finger or voice input. As a result, it is possible to customize the appearance of a Web site any device, without having to change the design.

How does the responsive Web design work? The responsive Web design provides a current technique, which allows to ensure a uniform display of content on all Web pages using HTML5 and CSS3. The features and capabilities of the device queried using media queries, a media query, such as for example the resolution, the format, the Display size, the possibility of the input, and so on. Advantage of this Responsiven Web design is it must, not more different Web pages for different devices must be created, but only a Web presence be entered what ultimately also reduces the cost. Although the costs for the responsive website are higher as the effort to create this Web site. Also very carefully selected and prioritized what should be seen on the relevant page of the appropriate format and what appears to be rather unimportant be. So, a page which can be opened using a Smartphone, must restrict to the essential, to tie the user as long as possible and with interest on the offered hand, without to make it through too much information user unfriendly. If a company but not want to abandon a mobile availability of its Web page, generally the use of responsive Web design worth in total consideration of costs and benefits. Examples of a the Internet pages of company Eisold consulting and SalesMachine are successful implementation of responsive Web design, see and. The Internet – und Werbeagentur SalesMachine GmbH specializes in the optimization of new websites and is therefore particularly successful and experienced in this field. At the present time, where the market is developing rapidly and the steady demand for mobile, Internet-enabled devices, it appears quite advisable not to miss this train and in time to take the mobile adaptations of their Web page in attack, to remain competitive for companies.

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