Partner Profile
How the partner search the Internet portal manages supports its user actively search for a suitable partner. It relies on the latest findings of psychological research of the pair. To get partner proposals, it is necessary to create a personal profile. But what should be noted here so that the search for the partner for life also leads to success? Three areas have to be filled with personal information and details: General information on the person, photos and profile. Used all three areas, the opposite can be a good picture of the own person. The most important thing: stay honest.
It is useless to make easier for 10 years younger and 10 kilograms. These FIBS come to light sooner or later. An important criterion is the personal photo. Experience has shown that profiles with a photo get more contact requests. Therefore, it is recommended that you carefully select the image. It is important to pay attention to the timeliness of the photos.
Further information about Your profile finally gets a personal touch personalities, preferences, and interests. So, similarities can be found out and made the theme on the first date. Applies also here: profiles, which have been carefully created and maintained, will receive significantly more contact requests. All information are successfully provided, were taken to the great love the first hurdles.
Call Server
The Ping is the time in thousandth of seconds that delay to have the communication between its machine and the server. Nocaso, if the person will be with one ping of 1000ms, the time delay deresposta between the computer and the server is equivalent the 1 second and to seestiver with one ping of 500ms, is equivalent second. Resumidamente, how much lesser ping, better the jogabilidade. To diminish, another way does not exist not to be to improve the speed of its connection. The connection consists of two values: The speed of Download Odownload is the tax of act of receiving of information of the server, and is aprincipal responsible for the amount of ping.
With an amount deDownload low, you will econsequentemente have few information received from the server econsequentemente, will have a bigger delay for receives them, originating oping high. Exist ways to improve download, and with this practical, with certainty you will have a visible result of reduction of ping (also called lag, and if she reads lg)? The speed of Upload Oupload, in contrast of download, is the tax of aoservidor sending of information. It is in lesser amount in comparison to download but indispensvel exactly being little. If its machine possesss one upload good, otempo of sending of information for the server will be lesser e, sendoassim, the act of receiving order (download) will be faster. At last, to improve upload also is possible and for what you can see, it works in set with download.