Document Auxiliary Solution
The NFe of Brazil, company of the Group TBA, specialist in electronic fiscal intelligence, establishes accord with the ABIT and the SINDITEXTIL-SP, to disponibilizar services of emission, management and storage of electronic forma bill of sale, as well as the safe guard of the digital certificate in HSM, the security hardware, with extremely competitive values. The associates of the ABIT and the Sinditextil-SP will have special prices for acquisition and use of the solution, whose discountings can arrive up to 75% of the offered prices at the market. The solution of the NFe of Brazil allows that small, average and until great senders in accordance with pay for electronic the forma bill of sale service the volume of emitted notes monthly. This service is indicated for the company that they do not desire to invest in infrastructure and proper technology. The solution allows that the forma bill of sale is typed or loaded saw integration archive, receives signature digital as the digital certificate from the company, for then being sent for State Sefaz of origin. At this moment the protocol of sending received for the Sefaz is kept and is carried through constant consultations to verify the approval of the note. As soon as approved the NF-e, already Document Auxiliary of the NF-e is possible to print the DANFE – so that the same it folloies the merchandise during the transit. When using this service, the sender has the certainty of that its digital certificate is stored of safe form in the security hardware and stored electronic forma bills of sale in ' ' it dates center' ' , with all security and availability.
' ' The differential of this solution is the security. The digital certificate has legal value and can be compared with a signed blank leaf and with recognized firm. When a customer emits a note using the service of the NFe of Brazil, this electronic signature automatically is stored of safe form.
Object Registers
Constant Outrapreocupao is that, generally, the SGBDs, as well as many applications, has its closed code hindering an extended vision of what it occurs: umacaixa is black, where if of the one entered in agreement to the established standards paraaquela box, where the magician happens, and ' ' PLIM! ' ' , it is its result, prontopara there to be used. Not wanting to judge, therefore the creator always has right sobresua creation. To open the code or is not decision of it. CPU-Bound the PostGre temgrande to be able of processing. It is as, after Oracle, in processamentode complex and long consultations. Each consultation generates a transaction in the bank dedados, that goes since the analysis of the syntax in the application of the customer until the retornodos registers, and this transaction has distinct time of CPU for each SGBD.
Otempo and the resources that the PostGre consume are high, they resultadoscompensam but them. You could write a long sequncia of JOINs in the MySQL eiteraes between tables one children determined ID, what she would imply emvrias consultations, but in PostGre becomes it request of these emapenas registers a consultation that is returned in only some milliseconds. Guided Objects This aspectofoi, of far, what it surprised more me. Even before I knowing oPostGreSQL, in my academic life, already listened to rumors of dadosOrientados banks of the Object, but that still he was in development and that quaseningum used. He asked to me, frequently: – For that we have that to study Guided umLinguagem the Objects if when to use a bank pra we will dadosteremos to persist them to think again Structuralized? It was there that I knew the PostGre xD. Pretty Quedia was that one in the lesson the professor of the mini-course of 2 InfoUnir, emPorto Old, showed the possibility to decriar Schemas, a species of classroom and, inside of the classroom, it places itself tabelasrelacionadas.
Craftsman Website
MS room design wins 1st place in the category painter and Varnisher held the Golden Hammer of Sachsen for Saxony’s best craftsman website painters by MS room design from Chemnitz already in the hands, and now has added an award of higher rank. Designed by the Berlin Internet Agency bit skin is the craftsman page of 2013 category painter and Varnisher. Over 100 competitors fought for the title against over 100 competitors bit skin customer MS room design prevailed and landed on the first rank after jury – and online public vote. “The jury of the competition organised by the craftsman Portal MyHammer praises the site from the home bit skin: the Web page already has the title of Saxony hammer won and convinced creative design: step by step creates a new living room before the eyes of the user.” Parallax-scrolling effect is the catcher of the website the decision makers of the competition were impressed especially by the Parallax scrolling effect of the site. By scrolling with the mouse, a ruined turns into flowing movements in a new living room. Bit skin thanks the site MS-space design and his team and hence the award would have been impossible without the creative collaboration between MS room design and bit skin. The Internet Agency bit skin would like to thank your team for the outstanding performance. To see the winner website in the category are there painters and Varnishers here:.