18 Feb 2014, 9:57pm

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Systems Control

The series of Norms NBR ISO 9000 for Systems of Quality considers the welding as special proceeding that, depending on the complexity of the welded construction, requires control methods that they can enclose the activities of project, of election of materials, manufacture and inspection in order to guarantee that the specified quality is reached. With respect to activity of inspection of important welding and that this activity is developed by professional duly qualified and certificate, whose systematics meets in Brazilian Norm ABNT NBR-14.842. it who establishes criteria and systematics for the qualification and certification of welding overseers, and describes the attributions and responsibilities for the established levels of qualification. Several are the factors that you must be led in consideration to take care of to the norms and requirements of manufacture of Structures Metallic in Steel Carbon through the process of welding MIG/MAG. Such factors contribute in significant way for the product quality, as: norms of the project, metallurgy of steel carbons, weldability, speed of heating, speed of cooling, dilution, contraction, dilatacao, thermal distribution, professionals, place of welding, position, inspection, security, qualification of the professionals, instruments of measurement, control of deformations, non destructive testings, consumable, external symbology of welding and factors.

In this amaranhado of factors that contribute in significant way in the quality of the welding that if finds the Quality control. it who, through the Norms and Requirements of the product, anger to control the efficiency and effectiveness in what it refers to the attendance of the norms, that is, to assure that the product does not have discontinuities and defects not allowed for the norm. According to It emends of Overseer of Welding of the Santista Institute of Industrial Quality (p 36), discontinuity and the interruption of the typical structures of one sins, with respect to homogeneity of characteristics physics, mechanical and metallurgic. Not and necessarily a defect.

17 Feb 2014, 6:12am

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The Future

As they say – if God did not exist, it had to be invented. That's why religion is accompanied by a man since its inception to the present day. Religion – it transformed the horror of death is a vivid manifestation of the indomitable human desires to live forever. And in ancient times and now there exist a great variety of methods of maintaining health and extending human life, some of which have revitalizing a positive effect, while others are completely useless, not to mention such phenomena as satanic rituals, where the victim bleeding and incredibly tortured, allegedly give effect to its tormentors. All this is of little practical significance, because even driving completely healthy lifestyle is still very difficult to extend beyond the active life of more than 20-30 years.

But it is now using achievements of modern science are being developed and will soon become available technologies that support human health at a given level and immensely Spreading beyond its physical existence. And in the future realized one of the wildest dreams of man – to be equal with God, become immortal. It's time to give the names of these technologies: genetic engineering, , nanotechnology, biotechnology deep. All of these technologies in Soon literally tear our current stereotypes, they will provide a breakthrough on many fronts in medicine, too. The study and decoding of the genes of living organisms and humans in particular, is enormous and all at an accelerating rate. When work on deciphering the gene end and will find out what its parts are responsible for what and what influence, then begin wonders.

16 Feb 2014, 1:12am

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– To finance a substantial investor is desirable, possible options involving mutual fund (s). Ural settlement – is a unique integrated approach that allows to organize a self-sufficient, sustainable, 'intelligent' municipality by 2500 residents in any troubled spot in Russia, including the situation extremely conducive to the optimal solution of problems specific region. Ltd. 'Mathur' formulated and forecasted a society will be in Russia after 25 years in its social composition, and these figures have been built into the project. Land vested in all citizens, the difference is only in the area of the site: municipal – 3 sq.m. (25%), the middle class – 10-15 hectare (70%) and class vip – 25-50 acres (5%).

For these populations are places of employment: – municipal – maintenance settlements, health, education, sports, trade, – the middle class – industrial park, business center, guide the full range of infrastructure in general; – vip class – 'green' office enterprise, technology park, a bank, the administration of the settlement and then at their discretion. In addition to VIP and middle classes emerged a class of 'municipal' – this is missing part of the population necessary for the operation of newly constructed settlements. For economic reasons, this category can not build a separate cottage for his family (sort of) on the basis of what for them designed a special home that can be represented as a multi-storey building, placed on the mountain (hill slope Chaschevitoy 25%). The result was a cascade of house floors slight shift relative to each other in a previous roof floor – a 'green zone' and the next with each municipality, but the total area of 144 m2 emerged: fixed a greenhouse, conservatory and 3 weave zemli.Pri equal wages in the 'settlement of the Urals' and metropolitan residents, this category stabilized, so start working infrastructure – schools, children's tutoring services, relaxation center, technical services – the village comes to life, there is no need to bring every category of people from metropolis and nearby settlements.

14 Feb 2014, 1:33pm

Comments Off on The Companion

The Companion

An aberration. Times they live, love, learn, dream and grow as human beings? It is only natural that as a result, whether absent fathers, neglected spouses, indifferent friends. It is physically have no time but to be a shift, tying with another and trying to recover from them to restart the carousel. Times are updated, what hours you read, do have time to give a gustico without cares without racing, without be watching the clock to go to undertake a new day? Do not you find abominable walk with clothes in the car, sleeping three to five nights per week away from home in a bed of collective use, without the privacy of the bathroom, inlaying of eagerness to junk food in the traffic light changes while it goes from one place to another? It is wife may need you to take the children to work on weekends, because otherwise it is not possible that look and share even a few minutes not horrible? And they spend years, and anything that drops you to the rhythm. Permanent self-deception not lets you see that it is leaving in a working youth and health while fat bank account that probably others will enjoy. Of course, bought a house in a stratum two strata above yours, because it can not be less than the companion that is you He said the decision and it cannot be in the neighborhood forever, because one has to progress in life. And the car has to be newer and bigger that the colleague, because everyone must give account that one is not no lagana of mico.And family demands and pressed, because we must give cache and status and experience shows that nobody more upstart, esnobista and exhibitionist that the middle class when it gives the social ascent there is. Then it is a vicious cycle that never ends, the borrow, consume without limit, work tirelessly to meet, etc.

5 Feb 2014, 7:36am

Comments Off on Site Research

Site Research

I want to say a few words about protecting its own site, can someone help you. Not so long ago, here we have in Kazan, I went to a research institute, business, and since I have been doing web sites, then decided to find out if they have a website, and so on Fellow of the Institute said that there is, I asked to call the address of the site, he replied that the address posted in the hallway on the board announcement, as the director forgot to renew the domain name of the site, and when he remembered the name of the site was already occupied. Approaching the announcement I read I do not remember the name literally of course but it looks like: Site Research kniiwiiti.ru located at the new address new address both I thought, like so guys, just tracked this business yes, and bought out. Yes it is, there are people who are quite formal, keep track of the various failures of different companies, entrepreneurs, individuals, certainly very successful, so then you are well and earn money. One possible option developments. One fine day to you an offer to sell its own site for a knockdown price, you certainly would have laughed.

In response to you will explain calmly that you are breaking the law on trade brands, and the name of your site – it is strange brand, and can provide you with all the documents proving this, like this time how? It happens, it is quite ordinary realities of our days. What happens? And what happens is that as long as You have successfully operates from its website and spins it, the person said to him ‘X’ simply register your site name as your trademark and you show your claim, and may require compensation. So keep that in mind if you are successful, if the site and your business is worth it, then do not hesitate and do not hesitate to register it as its trademark.

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