1 Oct 2021, 2:48pm

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NLP Raffle With Valuable Prizes

Christmas raffle with valuable prizes Munich, 22nd December 2011 – the year’s Christmas raffle from Alexander training offers all interested parties until 2012 of the 06.Januar the opportunity to participate. Underlying the competition is the new NLP audiobook NLP professionally – personality and communication”spoken by Heiko Alexander of Alexander training. An excellent introduction to NLP-professional experience here. Make a first opinion on the subject of NLP or experience a complement if NLP is no longer unknown to you. Currently, the audiobook MP3 is file on the Web site to the free download available. “For a successful participation in the sweepstakes, answer the following question: how long the term of the new NLP personality and communication is audiobook NLP professionally -?” Send the answer to: are several great NLP-based seminars and extensive book prizes to win! We invite you to participate in our sweepstakes spanned years. Join worth it! The link to the audiobook: nlp hoerbuch.html about Noelle training: Alexander training core competencies are consulting, training and coaching services for companies, organizations and people development. In addition to the NLP trainings (NLP practitioner, NLP-Master, NLP professional coach) offered also business solutions, coaching, and training system coach in Munich and Augsburg. Alexander training is certified member of the INLPTA, DVNLP, ECA and TuV SuD (AZWV). Contact information: Alexander training Sendlinger Strasse 26 80331 Munich phone: (089) 23 00 01 68 E-Mail:

15 Apr 2021, 9:19am

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Federal Service

Federally sponsored volunteer programs abroad to volunteers help others and benefit even from the experience. While many of the aides realize how privileged they actually live in Germany. Their work brings them partially to their limits. Grow and mature but also very strong. Many returnees have other views of the world and involved according to their usage often even for other projects. The intervention is often used volunteers to the orientation for their career goals.

Therefore you should pick a project, which one even speaks. Not only, because it is in a country, in which you always already once wanted to travel. Volunteer work is often really hard. You should know that before taking a decision, because there are certainly more convenient ways to burnish the own curriculum vitae with a stay abroad. State-sponsored voluntary service abroad (selection): culture far weltwarts European voluntary service (EVS) International Youth willing service (IJFD) International workcamps service civil international (SCI) voluntary service in Germany are popular and highly sought after.

Encourages this trend by new, diverse and attractive areas, but also by the willingness of young people growing, devoted to the public good and at the same time valuable experience a year under the motto of “Helping and learning” is. Experiences, which are not for sale and may be formative in respect to the choice of employment, but also for the entire later life. State-sponsored voluntary service in Germany (selection): Federal voluntary service (BFD) voluntary social year (FSJ) voluntary ecological year (FoJ) voluntary military service program details to volunteer services at home and abroad: info /… bildungsdoc answered contact: bildungsdoc AP: Horst beef Theodor Friedrich WEG 4 01279 Dresden E-Mail: Internet:

12 Aug 2020, 8:11am

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Disc Personality Profile:

With the Persolog personality model trainer and consultant can make visible and perceivable the thinking and behavior preference of people. In German-speaking countries the disc is one personality profile to the most established instruments, to determine the preferred modes of thinking and behavior styles of people and them vividly in mind to lead not only because this analysis instrument has been used over 40 million times, but also because it enjoys a very high level of acceptance in the human resources managers in the company. Purchase the license to be able to use the disc personality profile, trainers, consultants and coaches at the Voss + Partner GmbH, for their work. You is one to the three institutes in German-speaking countries, as only by the rights holder Inscape Publishing Inc., United States, were authorised to do so, awarded licenses for the use of the disc personality profile. Licensing carried out within the framework of a three-day DISG@-Trainerausbildung, in regular intervals in Hamburg Web page. You can do this also at the Voss + Partner GmbH (www.voss-training.de,; Phone: 040/7900767-0) request..

13 Apr 2014, 4:26pm

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Technical University of Vienna

The continuing education center at the Technical University of Vienna, the new certified University course offered from 13 February 2014 enterprise risk management. The continuing education center at the Technical University of Vienna, the new certified University course offered from 13 February 2014 enterprise risk management. The University course offers a systematic approach to risk management. Accordingly, the basic concept of the enterprise-wide risk management students will be taught in theory and practice. Furthermore the University course distinguishes itself practice and international orientation through the comprehensive range of risk areas, which is reflected also in the English language of instruction. The University course is aimed in particular at (current or potential) executives, RisikomanagerInnen, WirtschaftspruferInnen, persons of the audit, finance and accounting and controlling, ProduktionsleiterInnen, constructors and BetriebstechnikerInnen gained first experience in the risk management area or a first Career step towards risk management put would. Upon successful completion of the University course participants will receive the certificate certified enterprise risk manager”of the Technical University of Vienna awarded.

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