Worth knowing now determine the discussion of intangible assets from company wins a new meaning especially in the current crisis of the economy. As long as profit margins are consistent in the company and ever new record levels can be achieved, the question seems to the inner values of the companies to be rather pointless. At the latest however, if profit declines diminish the corporate balance sheets and first, because in the short term always effective, dismissals of employees will be the question according to the criteria of such staff reductions made. Naturally, there are often first the works councils, asking about the sense and nonsense of operational redundancies. Often there are plans, aimed at making the job cuts socially acceptable. Whether such social responsibility can secure but also the existence of shaky companies, must be called into question. The value of a company consists a company not only of buildings, machinery, raw materials, semi-finished products and products defined also, from the intangible assets as human capital, structural capital and relationship capital.
Here, key figures, for a dynamic and above all comprehensive valuation is impossible without regard to their hide. Official site: Peter Gabriel. Especially in the area of human capital, it pays to sharpen the evaluation with a view to the times after the recession especially in times of crisis! Companies that once a few people today released from pure calculation, must be wondering soon, where they want to get the new specialists for the revival. Just employees with middle and high income and those with apparently little value in the value chain will quickly to victims of austerity in targeted companies. New hires are often expensive and not always easy to do after the crisis. There it is worth right now to set up the intellectual capital report for the company. The now possible monetary figuring of intangible assets a professionally created intellectual capital report provides also a precise statement concerning the evaluation individual jobs and departments. That is particularly interesting in comparison to previous models of knowledge accounting possible objectivity in the assessment. With the new knowledge balance 2.0 can be intangible assets in euros and cents.
The system offers a diagnosis and evaluation depth as she have never been there. Even though it seems somewhat disreputable in these times: the worth knowing a company and each individual employee is measurable and allows choices that can lead out far beyond the current crisis. Enterprises, which now show their extra financial with a balance of knowledge according to the model of 2.0, are an important, if not even a decisive step towards the strengthening of the company in bad times. So they can shine again in better times and are better in particular as regards their intangibles as companies that miss this chance! OLAF Hoffmann straight consultants