18 Jan 2016, 2:41pm

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Press Service

In principle, this much: Imagine, for example, the window height and width of 2 to 3 meters – almost an entire front wall medium-sized room in a city apartment. But even a simple window can be made "a little more." Today, there are solutions, For example, shtulpovy window profile proplex, allowing to make designs without vertical partitions separating them apart. In this case, two shutters have a common opening: a closed one of them fixed up and down with using the so-called shtulpovogo mechanism, while the latter, in turn, comes with it engaged. Opening a window of a warm summer day, you can relax in nature without leaving the walls of his house. There are the windows with shutters and shtulpovymi practical benefit: they allow us to make the house, for instance, big pieces of furniture that does not pass through the door. From form to content Thus, we examined the structural features of non-standard windows. However, sometimes design intent and assumes a non-standard inner contents of the window, and in the literal sense. It is a stained-glass windows.

These intricate decorative elements often found in buildings belonging to the number of samples fundamental architecture. At the same individual housing construction, until recently, these "refinements" were a novelty. But today the situation has changed: modern technology has made the window with a picture available to the general mass of consumers. "In recent years, has spread the technology which makes use of stained glass films – says Sergei Evdokimov. – A pattern is formed from fragments of film, to be applied to conventional glass. At the seams with both sides bonded lead impost – and stained glass ready.

It is placed inside the glass, thus, the composition is entirely within the sealed chamber, where it is protected from any external impacts. Thanks to modern technology we were able to make their homes in the most real palaces and castles. But if in the past it was only available for election, but now that opportunity has virtually every homeowner with average incomes. So if you want your home was unique, remember: the standard technologies allow to embody and exclusive ideas. Press Service of the Group propleks 1 Self-expanding, self-adhesive elastic sealing tape on the basis of polyurethane foam impregnated with a water repellent composition. Protects the assembly seam against moisture and atmospheric effects. Usually applied for sealing joints with rough surfaces, the installation of windows is used as a sealant, a sealing assembly seam: a place of contiguity window assembly to the opening (butt the wall).

13 Jan 2016, 9:41pm

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Parquet Flooring

Secondly, no matter how beautiful did not seem to laminate, it is still artificial turf, not giving in reprocessing, in contrast to the hardwood floor to withstand quite a lot of tsiklevok and polishing. Oh, and thirdly, it is, of course, the incomparable beauty and luxury of natural wood coating. My parquet awful! Do not despair! Not so bad as it seems at first glance. In the parquet in rare cases it is a condition in which it has to be completely scrapped. By this you do not hurry to conclusions on the basis that the flooring has lost its appeal and in many places, darkened, and as there were gaps between the individual slats. To get started please call and consult a specialist. Indeed, the majority issues associated with the state of the parquet can be solved remotely.

If, however, still requires a visual inspection, I advise you not to abandon this because it is a paid service. In the case of recovery existing pavement will save much more. Optimal conditions for the longevity of flooring! Attention! To maximize the life of flooring is necessary to perform the following maintenance recommendations: – parquet does not wash! Just rub a damp, well wrung cloth or a special designed for this procedure, wet vacuum. – Constant maintenance of optimum moisture in the room with a parquet floor. Humidity should be in within 45 – 55%. In rooms with low humidity is necessary to use artificial humidifiers. You may wish to learn more. If so, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the place to go.

– The use of special felt (drab) pads under furniture legs to avoid damaging the surface protective coating of parquet. – The use of special equipment to care for flooring. – Periodic (4-6 years), sanding, sanding and varnishing of parquet. Frequently Asked Questions. Can I ottsiklevat parquet, if the apartment or room is a heavy bulky furniture that in the next few years will not move to another place? – Yes. Provided, however, that all the furniture will be firmly closed the film, as well as the maximum released space from the tables, chairs and other light interior. At what stage in the production of repair facilities should be done sanding the parquet? – Parquet floor sanding should be done after the finalization of the walls for painting and wallpapering. In this last layer of lacquer it is desirable to apply only after finishing painting the walls. Does it ever sanding dust? – No! It happens only with greater or lesser amount of dust. Any surface scraper and sanders have dust, including domestic, but a small deposit will be suspended anyway. Therefore, if you have the room there are things that do not have to dust, it is strongly recommended to protect their film. How long does the sanding? On average, during normal floor plane, without major deviations, an area of 25 – 30 sq.m. processed in one day, provided the use of parquet lacquers, water-based. Every 25 square meters. m add one more day. Does the warranty work? Yes, warranty is made for one year on all types of work.

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