4 Dec 2021, 2:33am

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Good Moment

The good moment of the IBEX 25 September 2009 the markets are entering a bubble phase, and it is easy it extends until the end of the year, Crispin Odey of Odey.While the economies of Europe are facing the recovery, Spain continues downhill and the downturn in its economy has come to stay, at least until 2010, the year in which expects a contraction in GDP of 0.6% and an unemployment rate that reached 20.4 per cent of the economically active population (PEA). The Spanish economy is still depressed but it seems that not has realized the stock market that has seen a remarkable recovery so far of the year. The IBEX 35 is located at 11.695,9 points and the expectation of the market passes by knowing when to break the 12,000-point barrier. It went mad IBEX? It is a dangerous bubble brewing? Beatriz Galdon in five days warns about this possibility with specific figures: since reaching its minimum level, the IBEX accumulates a increase of 73% and in the year accumulated a 28.5% increase, 3.55% above the level seen prior to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers. In principle it seems too much for an economy into a painful recession, although at the same time we must remember the IBEX had better times such as when towards the month of November 2007 was on the verge of breaking the barrier of the 15,900 points.

Luis Benguerel’s Proexportables, in the same note explained the phenomenon: the Ibex has ceased to be a commuter train to be a bird. There to find resistance, because the index is technically free climb. The more important are the fall brackets. Probably for those who do not trust too in the analysis of graphs, Benguerel opinion have not proved too compelling. However the evidence attests that in many cases the graphs provide key information to predict the behaviour of an index or the price of a stock.

27 Jun 2021, 9:41am

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Positive Attitude

The attitude of a person towards life is crucial to living life to the fullest or to wander through life without a defined purpose; with the right attitude a person can develop, seize the opportunities that you can find or discover, achieve the objectives or goals must be set, achieve success and happiness. With positive attitude problems that probably will be found during the day of our life can solve more easily. The positive attitude provides optimism, will allow that the concerns will not affect us and change ideas or negative thoughts that froze to our minds in adverse circumstances and replaces them with constructive and creative thoughts. If we adopt as part of ourselves a positive attitude will be much easier to see the good side of things and wait always the best. How manifests the attitude positive in the journal operate? How is that a person with a positive attitude facing challenges on the path towards its full realization it? A person with attitude positive you will have always a positive thinking, a creative and constructive thought looking for alternatives or solutions before problems, permanent optimism and self-motivation to achieve the goals proposed, persistence, perseverance, confidence in himself, faith, hope, and high self-esteem. The positive attitude leads to happiness and success.

When looking at things of life is always appreciated the positive side, life itself will be nicer, brighter. This attitude is not only reflected in the same person but in everything around him, at his home, family, interpersonal relationships at work, with friends and your entire environment. What is the difference between a positive and a negative attitude? With negative attitude will say: you can do, it is very difficult, it is impossible to achieve this, you can’t. With positive attitude will say: you can do, if it can be achieved, can be. Decide to have an attitude positive and see the great change. Everything will seem easier and you can see more opportunities where before maybe saw only problems. Positive thinking is a mental attitude that supports only thoughts, words, images, favorable for their growth and personal development in different areas of life.

It is a mindset that expects only the good in everything what should be undertaken. That is why a person with a positive mental attitude radiates confidence and achieved favorable results. To succeed and be happy you must have positive mental attitude. The positive mental attitude has a huge force already that everything we think we can achieve it. Dr. Wayne Dyer, renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development, in his book change your thoughts and change your life Express: the State of your life is not anything other than a reflection of his mental state, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher: the same world, for two different minds, is heaven or hell. What a person thinks, that is.

23 Sep 2014, 11:35am

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Tips For A Successful Website

1. A good title. Use a good title so that users can identify easily of what trafficking website. 2.-A good description. The site description will be displayed in the results of search engines, trying to do a good description, do not use many keywords in the description. 3.

A good navigation. Good sites always have a good navigation, seeks to minimize the use of the buttons back and forward browser. 4. Good placement of advertising. If you put AdSense on your site, make sure that the placement of AdSense not distract from design, have that AdSense look like part of your site. 5. Do not place many flashes or images. Flash animations and images make the site look better, but also make it take more time so that the page is downloaded.

People are going to leave the site if you do not load in less than 10 seconds. 6. A good content. Use original content to the site, do not copy content from another Web page, you can harm in search engines. 7. Be brief. It describes any product as simple as possible, a long description will be boring for visitors. 8. Content from another site. Do not place too many news unionised in the Web site, it steals bandwidth. 9. Don’t trap. If you want your Web site to be well seen by the search engines, you do not place any hidden text, nor repeated many times the keywords. If you do search engines may penalize the website. 10. Use CSS. Design your website using CSS. If you use CSS the site loaded more quickly and make modifications will be more simple. CSS is becoming the standard in Web design. Original author and source of the article.

22 Jul 2014, 12:57am

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Voyage Astral Time

Technical new for travel astralmente, how to make an astral journey. As you know there are many techniques to make an astral journey, here I will cintar a combination of the blue wave and the lifting of coup. Normally to begin in astral travel are followed guidelines too at the foot of the letter, that sometimes is a consequence of the failure of many attempts at projection. Many of you have heard me thousands of times say that there no better technique than another, that depends on the person can go you better one or the other. As well, I propose you guieis by intuition in your session of ghosting. STEPS to make an ASTRAL journey:-the first thing is to relax, if we are lying in bed and sleep much better. This can take an hour to two.

We hope that it invades the dream, every time we feel our body more relaxed. If we concentrate we will see that we can endure this state of drowsiness without sleep and also be awake. -Important to maintain the State of relaxation, we will see that on occasions we will be tempted to sleeping us, not you sleep. Still conscious to your state of drowsiness, if you see that you go to sleep you don’t wake up suddenly because that would break the process, tries to gain consciousness thinking of the sensations your body that lives in that time. -Little by little (if resist enough) you will notice as it gives you a sense of mobility, as if a light breeze te balanceara or te dragging a wave. Prolongs this feeling until it becomes more notable, if staying relaxed and not you desconcentras come a time in which you will feel that you are no longer within your body, as you swinging a few meters of the, just at that moment without you time to think nothing, stand up!! You’ll be the astral plane with 100% of consciousness that you conservaste during rolling. Visit throughout your House or outside salt, try to not sleep during the trip, but will become a dream lucid, and polished to a conventional dream sleep. LeyCosmica.org all about techniques astral travel. WWW.LEYCOSMICA.

14 Feb 2014, 1:33pm

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The Companion

An aberration. Times they live, love, learn, dream and grow as human beings? It is only natural that as a result, whether absent fathers, neglected spouses, indifferent friends. It is physically have no time but to be a shift, tying with another and trying to recover from them to restart the carousel. Times are updated, what hours you read, do have time to give a gustico without cares without racing, without be watching the clock to go to undertake a new day? Do not you find abominable walk with clothes in the car, sleeping three to five nights per week away from home in a bed of collective use, without the privacy of the bathroom, inlaying of eagerness to junk food in the traffic light changes while it goes from one place to another? It is wife may need you to take the children to work on weekends, because otherwise it is not possible that look and share even a few minutes not horrible? And they spend years, and anything that drops you to the rhythm. Permanent self-deception not lets you see that it is leaving in a working youth and health while fat bank account that probably others will enjoy. Of course, bought a house in a stratum two strata above yours, because it can not be less than the companion that is you He said the decision and it cannot be in the neighborhood forever, because one has to progress in life. And the car has to be newer and bigger that the colleague, because everyone must give account that one is not no lagana of mico.And family demands and pressed, because we must give cache and status and experience shows that nobody more upstart, esnobista and exhibitionist that the middle class when it gives the social ascent there is. Then it is a vicious cycle that never ends, the borrow, consume without limit, work tirelessly to meet, etc.

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