Tips For A Successful Website
1. A good title. Use a good title so that users can identify easily of what trafficking website. 2.-A good description. The site description will be displayed in the results of search engines, trying to do a good description, do not use many keywords in the description. 3.
A good navigation. Good sites always have a good navigation, seeks to minimize the use of the buttons back and forward browser. 4. Good placement of advertising. If you put AdSense on your site, make sure that the placement of AdSense not distract from design, have that AdSense look like part of your site. 5. Do not place many flashes or images. Flash animations and images make the site look better, but also make it take more time so that the page is downloaded.
People are going to leave the site if you do not load in less than 10 seconds. 6. A good content. Use original content to the site, do not copy content from another Web page, you can harm in search engines. 7. Be brief. It describes any product as simple as possible, a long description will be boring for visitors. 8. Content from another site. Do not place too many news unionised in the Web site, it steals bandwidth. 9. Don’t trap. If you want your Web site to be well seen by the search engines, you do not place any hidden text, nor repeated many times the keywords. If you do search engines may penalize the website. 10. Use CSS. Design your website using CSS. If you use CSS the site loaded more quickly and make modifications will be more simple. CSS is becoming the standard in Web design. Original author and source of the article.