The chemotherapy has many side effects and destroyed the immune systems of cancer is one of the worst diagnoses that a human being can get. This cancer must not necessarily lead to death. There are many types of cancer, some spread quickly, others can be fought measures through therapy and eradicated. Periodically check with the doctor remains the safest way to cure cancer. Because early detection provides healing. Chemotherapy as a healing modality with chemotherapy called also cytostatics (cancer therapy), it is a measure that will selectively kill cancer cells or stop the growth.
It uses a given substance administered depending on the type of cancer and progress, the patient. This fabric has a damaging effect, but he Yes also selectively destroy cancer. Side effects hair loss, nail damage and mucous membrane problems white blood cells might formed back and this immune system adversely anemia, anemia acute fatigue Listlessness nausea depending on the patient’s condition can occur the above mentioned side effects, need to but not be equal in each. Because also the cytostatic mixture is variable, depending on the type of cancer, a therapy takes longer or shorter. Is aggressive or mild. Usually the side effects resolve themselves after chemotherapy. Because the substance is excreted through the intestines. Rarely, complications arise yet.
Late complications secondary tumor nerve damage tactile and touch sense impaired fine motor skills works no longer balance problems, brain damage concentration impairment of the mind as already mentioned, every patient is different, stronger, insulting the immune system he chemotherapy is much easier than a patient who is very weak. During the therapy, everything is taken into account, the doctors follow in between or in hindsight more measures to destroy the cancer, or to strengthen the body. More cures of cancer thymus therapy this therapy is still Success showed controversial, but studies in breast and colorectal cancer, already. The purpose of the thymus therapy is to strengthen the immune system, thus increasing the quality of life and to prevent a relapse. Also, it should extend the life cancer patients. To an injection administered several times a week the patients, total 20 injections should be there. To refresh these moves one or two injections to a month later. This depends on the success. A thymus therapy can significantly reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. More information about the Thymust provides therapy and biological therapy of cancer the page to get bottom line who wants to be sure the correct therapy should are advised at the doctor or experienced practitioner for the respective treatments. To obtain the best solution in retrospect. Biological cancer therapies in cancer should be definitely considered.