6 Jul 2014, 4:02pm

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Record Number Of Visitors To The Ceremony Of The Telematics Awards 2013 At The IFA Berlin

The formal announcement of the winners of the Telematics Awards 2013 Berlin, 08.09.2013. In this year, and yesterday telematics Markt.de, the leading media group in the telematics industry in German-speaking countries, the telematics Award awarded for the telematics the human. Representative venue and partner of the organizer of 2013 is the international radio exhibition in Berlin. Over 200 event guests and media representatives have registered for this award as visitors and observers. To document the increased importance of this innovative industry for which the Organizer advertises for years, with their interest. Already following the announcement of the companies nominees for the telematics award 2013 interest emerged, which would arouse the award ceremony this year and as the organizer for the ceremony showed a record number of visitors. Already a few minutes after the inlet, all seats were occupied. This was further interested guests from business, science, as well as users and press yet, the Standing to attend the ceremony.

Hans-Joachim Kamp, Chairman of the Board of the gfu (organizer of the IFA) opened the ceremony, once again emphasized the role and importance of telematics for the economy and said the organisers, the media group of telematics Markt.de in Berlin and at the IFA in Berlin welcome… The round of talks with excitement and interest, the guests of the event followed the subsequent talk of telematics. This almost one-hour round of talks is very popular with the visitors and for the promoter already fixed become tradition. That it was pretty tight in the Marshall House of the Red Lounge, was also quite possibly with the participants of this year’s round: Dr. Uwe Engelmann founding shareholder, CHILI GmbH Prof. Alfred Iwainsky of Chairman of the Board, GFal Katharina Klischewsky Publisher, media group telematics Markt.de Michael Pulmanns Managing Director, GeoCompanion GmbH Dr.

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