26 May 2015, 9:06am

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World Bank

Although the industrial activity to correspond about 14% of the American GIP, in the world-wide economy it corresponds 18%, and 33% of the Chinese GIP, according to World Bank. This means that emergent China, Brazil, India and other countries that had escaped of the worse ones consequncias of the credit crisis go to suffer each time more, knocking down the demand in more advanced economies exactly when the stimulaton packages to start to give resulted. This effect of depression functions in both the directions. Although the maken a mistake notion of that U.S.A. does not produce more nothing nowadays, the fall in the demand for articles produced in the country – as turbines the spurt, locomotives, medical equipment, pharmaceutical products and articles of high technology – goes to harm the perspectives of growth of U.S.A. Although the problems of the industries automobile and weighed to have received most from the attention, the suffering also reaches the manufacturers of products as artesanato, fabrics and jewels. The industrial sector of India, that corresponds about 16% of the GIP of the country, saw its first decline in quarterly production in more than one decade. although the cuts in the taxes and of a package of stimulaton of US$ 64 million announced in February, the textile industry Indiana pressure the government to get more aid.

Disturbances in the industrial sector worry in such a way for its paper in the counting of the GIP of the countries how much in the devastador potential of its resignations. Much if has spoken in the banking market, but the industry can finish disclosing sufficiently ackward surprises in short term. Bibliography: The State of So Paulo, edition 42,158 of 21 of March of 2009, article ' ' World-wide economy: fall of the industry remembers depresso' ' of Nelson D. Schwartz of the New York Times

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