31 Oct 2017, 8:02am

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Offline Power

Faults in the mains or a poor quality of the supplied current may cause failures in computer equipment already not only at the hardware level marring components but to level software resulting in loss of information (corrupt files). To avoid this kind of errors and prevent a rapid ageing of components you can use uninterruptible power, SAIs (in English UPS Uninterrumpible Power Supply) systems. These devices often compose of a few batteries, a charger and a power inverter to convert DC power to AC have the Mission of improving the quality of electric power to problems occurring in the network. Basically are usually study two aspects before acquire a UPS: required power and autonomy. The SAIs are prepared to provide an amount of energy the system during a given time. They are often used as a measure the apparent power consumed Voltio-Amperio (VA) whose relationship with the actual power consumed in Watts (w) is as follows: w = 0.6 x VA. The consumption of a core team will depend on the components you have connected (power supply, motherboard, memories, hard disks, microprocessor, etc) but basically a tower at rest can consume approximately 160 watts and about 300 at peak performance. I repeat that this consumption will vary depending on the components and the use that is taking them to these.

Total consumption will come from the sum of the Tower, monitors, peripherals, etc. It is very important to know that devices will connect to the ups to know the power which should provide and how long already that none of the values (or Watts, neither the VA) can be exceeded by consumption. Autonomy time should be sufficient to close all what you are doing and shut down the computer normally. The problems to solve. The power supply can cause problems such as the following: power outages. General problems of absence of voltage in the mains supply. Overvoltage.

Voltage peaks which exceed normal and could occur for example by storms. Waterfalls of tension: can produce unexpected shutdowns produced for example by a high consumption on high-power equipment such as motors. According to correct problems you can choose between three types of SAIs: Offline: is the cheapest type. The computer feeds on electrical current until it fails (a cut from current or overvoltage variation that might endanger its integrity) moment that would use the power stored in the battery in the ups. It is the cheapest but acting only as battery personally he would rule them. Interactive (Inline): is an intermediate model between the offline and the online at an affordable cost. In addition to serving as a drummer they tend to use a filter against voltage fluctuations. They are (or should be) the most widely used in small environments. Online: Offers a separate output self-generated normal network that protects any anomaly. Your computer would be powered directly the UPS protecting it from any electrical problem. They are more expensive and are used in industrial environments. The vast majority of the SAIs employ software to control all its functions and behaviour problems with electricity supply so that may be a record of events, management of alarms that alert you of what happened and even automate tasks to perform a graceful shutdown of the computer.

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