26 Jun 2020, 6:26pm

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Energy-efficient Self-Heating

The automatic system – the heat without any intermediaries to inevitable impending heating season (which, as we know, starts October 15) a substantial portion of the housing stock is ready except morally. And the townspeople shaking right now – the very thought that going to have to freeze in unheated or poorly heated homes, or torture-house wiring fire hazards "goats." And then, like snow on head (x winter on the nose!), another surprise – it is rumored that planned almost three times (!) increase in tariffs for heat and hot water. Only heating one square meter will cost consumers an estimated USD 4. 28 cop. There is something to fall into despondency.

But to indulge in nostalgia is not worth it, because there is a solution. And the output – Energy-saving self-heating! Energy-saving technologies – such a technology, whose use promotes economical (rational) waste of various types of energy: thermal, electrical, etc. For Ukraine, the actual energy savings in two areas: domestic energy efficiency and energy savings for heating enterprises and large industrial facilities. Energy saving today is achieved by minimizing the wasteful loss of energy. Creating heating systems with a high coefficient of performance (COP) is largely contributes to the objectives of energy conservation and rational use of energy. These devices include a heating electrode boilers and mini-boilers (installed directly into the radiator), equipped with electronic control with room sensor. Electrode boilers Electrode boiler – a reliable water heater (liquid) in ideal cases can work without having to replace items for many years (decades).

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