Cloud Virus Protection Internet
What could be better than one guard? A whole army of good guards. This simple principle is based cloud protection technology (from the English. In-the-Cloud). Explain what lies behind this new concept. What is a cloud? Almost every developer of software packages to protect against Internet threats, has already launched its cloud on the Internet. It consists of servers, one of the developers of antivirus protection, and all Internet-connected PC, which software works this developer. For example, Kaspersky Lab calls his art a cloudy solution of Kaspersky Security Network.
How does it work? 1. I suspect the file has not yet been identified by the program security as a pest, shoot digital imprint, and on this basis creates a unique checksum. It is transmitted through the Internet connection into a cloud security developer. 2. Server checks whether the known cloud passed checksum, and therefore hiding behind her file.
If known – the data about malware being transferred back to the user's computer, and installed anti-virus solution on it enters the fight. 3. In Otherwise, the analysis software on the server examines in detail the file. If he is potentsialnuyuugrozu, the checksum as a new signature is entered into the database of the cloud. 4. Then cloud provides a new signature available to all connected computers. In subsequent queries, the cloud fraction of a second can confirm that we are talking about the virus. The main advantage of cloud technology: it allows faster detection of new threats, it is very important during virus outbreaks. Cloud technology has not only advantages. For example, the user should be the developer of a degree of trust – yet the PC and the cloud constantly exchanging files. The biggest drawback is that a brand new threat is revealed only if there is an Internet connection. But if computer is currently disconnected from the network, then hit a new pest, say, a flash drive, have used alternative methods of identification, such as behavioral analysis.