However, this segment operates in accordance with any other retail markets – long- wholesale and retail channels of distribution, high margins of intermediaries, the need to invest in advertising, branding and promotion in retail chains, etc. Investors often underestimate the costs and complexities associated with access to the consumer market briquettes in International Delivers First Global Education Program Event PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance – Mar 24 02:26pmUrbanisation to shift to developing nations by 2025: McKinsey PTI via Yahoo! India News – 2 hours agoShould Governments Subsidize Health Insurance? Cato Institute – Mar 25 10:10amPromotional ResultsMake Yahoo! Your HomepageEverything you love on the Web, all on your Yahoo!
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free map of western europeeuropeYahoo! Search Assist’>Western Europe. Even experienced entrepreneurs forget that the final retail price includes at least: – the cost and profit of all intermediaries engaged in the wholesale transportation, storage and distribution of the parties, verification and quality assurance of biofuels, the cost of commercial credit to retailers, etc. – Costs and profits of retailers, including marketing, branding, commercial areas and arrange delivery to customers, etc. – Value added tax, other taxes and charges in the country of implementation – the cost of retail packaging, however, the supply of briquettes only to the direct consumers is not unique to the success of biofuel production.
In this market intermediaries – not always speculators. They often serve important functions and provide additional effectiveness of distribution channels. The main types of intermediaries: 1. Traders engaged in supplying industrial consumers in the export market of Russian fuel briquettes, perhaps, the most active trading companies, representing the interests of industrial customers. This is – as a rule, companies or entrepreneurs with experience in various fuel markets, professional traders. At the same time they are ready work with relatively small amounts of each, so as accumulate briquettes produced in different places, and deliver it in bulk to its customers.