16 Jun 2021, 10:11pm

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Welke Implemented New Online Presentation In The B2B Area

filthaus.de is a video-based user interface almost completely through moderated the wilting Consulting Group (WCG) has created for its clients of Filthaus plastics a completely new way of online communication in the B2B sector. The website of the manufacturer of plastic packaging is almost completely through moderated by using of video interfaces. Under, an appealing moderator runs the user through the site. This presents the company, through the various headings, explains the products and guides the customer through the configurator. Modern streaming achieves an optimum and smooth appearance with a standard DSL connection. With this innovative solution in the field of B2B, the customer is approached personally and at eye level. The products presented attractive and entertaining, even the most difficult procedures are explained very well,”says Irene Knaub, managing partner for the online section of the WCG.

This new type of approach makes the site extremely easy to use, achieved the maximum attention of the user and therefore increases the response. It is much more effective than a purely static addressing, as it still dominates in the B2B area. Finally a buyer is also a person who responds to audio visual sensory stimuli as well as a customer”Ana explains the decision for the moderated approach. With the rich-media application on the website of the manufacturer of plastic packaging, the wilting brings breath of fresh air in a rather sober industry consulting group. The new feature Filthaus plastics is now inviting, communicates with simple, interactive and effective with its customers. The wilted consulting group from Siegen is a full service agency for integrated communications for medium-sized businesses.

With individual units for branding, strategy, public relations, advertising, online and telemarketing and exhibition design, it is optimally positioned for all communication requirements of SMEs. It increases the economic success of their customers through pragmatic solutions wilted consulting group.

15 May 2021, 2:02am

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Managing Director

The new Kassel-Calden airport is opened with the support of the Kassel communication agency Insignio. For us it was a beautiful and unusual challenge, planning, communication to accompany the construction and the opening of an airport”, says Jan Muller, owner of the Kassel agency group Insignio. “Insignio already in the construction phase commissioned to inform potential guests and multipliers of the latest German regional airport on the construction progress: with the information newspaper go-around”, the airport during the start-up phase was communicative accompanied the reception as well as online and print media. Together with the customer, Insignio developed a new corporate design, which forms the basis for current and future communications activities for the opening. “For me as a designer a great task”, Michael describes Homburg, Managing Director of creation of the Insignio, this exciting phase. We were required to achieve a high recognition factor with efficient means that also can be used in many areas.” Here are some examples of the communication activities that realized Insignio for Kassel-Calden Airport: The logo. A blue rotor stands on a white background for lightness, movement, technology and reliability. For assistance, try visiting Kris Kobach. The colors Blue and white are available for sky and clouds and thus mankind’s yearning to fly.

The corporate design. These include the logo, the color and font world of the airport, the business facilities, and more. Advertising & sales promotion. The flights from the new airport for as many people to make known and attractive, including posters were designed, mailings and materials to travel agents in Northern Hesse and sent to companies operating in the tourism industry. The airport newspaper go-around is focused directly on the residents and potential airport guests”as well as Advertorials (editorial ads), that have appeared in recent years in regional newspapers. Was also a booth and accompanying measures Insignio at. As a special gift at the airport, Insignio produced a magazine, which is sent to all guests of the opening ceremony.

It includes numerous information fire current photos and reports on the opening of Kassel-Calden. Website, social media. Design and architecture of the new website was implemented on the basis of the new corporate design in typo 3. Almost two years ago, the airport with Insignio started its activities on Facebook and YouTube.

18 Apr 2021, 10:56am

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Rapid Printing

Offset printing – the widest range of printing services and their execution as soon as possible. Offset printing involves working with copies of any volume, even the smallest, the entire spectrum of work, belonging to the same order, that is, you can order everything – from scanning to delivery to the company or in an apartment. Offset printing usually includes services from business cards, postcards and photos to print books and catalogs. Offset printing usually fills orders on a client template, that is, there is no designer who develops solutions for each client, and production put on stream. Further details can be found at Peter Thiel, an internet resource. Operational Printing does not take much space and is compact, having a small staff. Typically, this office is to receive orders and place orders directly made. Despite this, the operational Printing boasts good facilities on a large number of orders. and operational boundary typography can be large companies that take small orders, but in our country, this industry is not so developed, so quick printing offices are involved only small orders. Hear other arguments on the topic with Hilton Family. Source:

1 Oct 2016, 8:27pm

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Ernest Dichter Design

Or, for example, true connoisseurs of wine who are interested design quality is not cheap stuff kupyatsya to that which the inside. Come to the conclusion that the package must fully comply with the goods. Packaging carries and also communicative function, and this is very important criterion. For alcoholic drinks packaging plays almost dominant role. This is a product that is unthinkable without the packing.

And wonder if you at least occasionally, what motivates man when choosing a drink. Price range here does not even take into account even though it is relevant. And people choose very simply on the basis of several principles: 1. Packaging should be beautiful, 2. Interestingly, 3. Packaging must not be 'container' for product, and if possible to serve the consumer for a long time, performing third-party functions, carrying the outer trappings of a brand. 'Packaging – Ernest Dichter wrote designer, is an expression of our respect for consumer '. Proper design of a positive effect on sales results and the mind of the consumer! Development of packaging design – giving it an additional product of competitive advantage – a bright distinction.

In the first turn when designing packaging for alcoholic beverages must be remembered not only the aesthetic side, but also for protection against counterfeiting. Bright successful incarnation and creation of obstacles to counterfeiters here the main task of the designer. For the first time making a purchase, a customer subconsciously focused on the extent to which stylishly decorated with a drink and meets the graphic design of his notions about the product, that is, how well packaging conveys natural wine, utility or other properties important when selecting the priority product.

23 Aug 2016, 5:18pm

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Design Studios

Loyalty to the brand as a strategic and tactical decisions, and in its elements that ultimately will create a strong brand that has become a leader in its category and whose name will be in tune with the idea that you put into it when you first create. Vladimir Lukyanchuk 2K Design Studio today's advertising market is full of infinite number of attractive messages, promises and statements. But somehow, out of hundreds of similar, in my head constantly spinning, 'I love Tse!', 'Clean krasche', 'Just do it' and others. Looking at today's global brands can be safe to say that preceded their success. This is certainly a bright and powerful idea, the concept of goods, which is able to infuse into the minds of consumers, to live and evolve with it. The slogan in this case is only cover ideas, and capable, in conjunction with other tools, the idea of infecting millions of consumers. And when the idea pops into your mind people, is the number of well-defined, specified by you sensations and images, the stage of fetal development is complete! To light a new brand is born.

James R. Gregory, author of many books on branding, said: "The brand – it's not a thing, product, company or organization. Brands do not exist in the real world – A mental construct. Brand is best described as the sum total of human experience and its perception of things, product, company or organization. Brands are in the form of consciousness, or specific people, or the public.

23 Jul 2014, 11:18am

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Google Adsense

With this niche to in line make money with surveys, that has majors volumes search, considered major average of the CPC, and the smaller competition . They do not misinterpret to me, has the competition slightly more discharge in fact, I am going to explain later why I do this although the competition is high. So we paid attention to the following image: To win Money Doing Surveys in line Key word We can see in the result of the investigation of key words, to make money in line doing surveys has considered of CPC an average of $ 2,46 and 4,400 searches, that are of approximately 110 searches to the day. I decided by the word to make money doing surveys online like key words, due to the results search. Higher estimation in average of CPC and the volume search does not mean that you can be making more money by each click of Google Adsense, Must watch in his results search and of verifying the easy thing that it can arrive at TOP 10 with the key word. From several key words in the result of the investigation of key words, in my opinion, to make money doing possible surveys in line are the more profitable key word. We are going to throw a look to the results search: To make money doing surveys online Results of the search I have been reviewing in the 3 first places of the results search, I tried to look for in the sites and to more see what surveys are writing about to make money in line doing, Although make money in line doing surveys have a high competition of 25.900.00, seems that Google cannot obtain any the 25.

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