12 Feb 2015, 12:22am

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Document Auxiliary Solution

The NFe of Brazil, company of the Group TBA, specialist in electronic fiscal intelligence, establishes accord with the ABIT and the SINDITEXTIL-SP, to disponibilizar services of emission, management and storage of electronic forma bill of sale, as well as the safe guard of the digital certificate in HSM, the security hardware, with extremely competitive values. The associates of the ABIT and the Sinditextil-SP will have special prices for acquisition and use of the solution, whose discountings can arrive up to 75% of the offered prices at the market. The solution of the NFe of Brazil allows that small, average and until great senders in accordance with pay for electronic the forma bill of sale service the volume of emitted notes monthly. This service is indicated for the company that they do not desire to invest in infrastructure and proper technology. The solution allows that the forma bill of sale is typed or loaded saw integration archive, receives signature digital as the digital certificate from the company, for then being sent for State Sefaz of origin. At this moment the protocol of sending received for the Sefaz is kept and is carried through constant consultations to verify the approval of the note. As soon as approved the NF-e, already Document Auxiliary of the NF-e is possible to print the DANFE – so that the same it folloies the merchandise during the transit. When using this service, the sender has the certainty of that its digital certificate is stored of safe form in the security hardware and stored electronic forma bills of sale in ' ' it dates center' ' , with all security and availability.

' ' The differential of this solution is the security. The digital certificate has legal value and can be compared with a signed blank leaf and with recognized firm. When a customer emits a note using the service of the NFe of Brazil, this electronic signature automatically is stored of safe form.

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