United Earth Federation
Supreme Commander is a game of strategy in real time produced by the Gas Powered Games, where it will be gone to pass immense battles, in an overwhelming war. We are about 2000 years in the future and the galaxy does not know peace has one millenium. The old hegemony of the United Earth Federation is contested by the Aeon Illuminate and the Cybran Nation, two descending factions of the race human being but that they turn over acquitted and rejected for the central government, taking them it the exile and posterior counterattack. The sensation of that we are before a futurista simulator of wargames sobressai with the magnitude of the scenes and the units, that if digladiam in innumerable fronts of battle. This always under our intent look, in the most diverse levels of zoom. We start with a ACU, a unit poderosssima, with warlike and construction capacities, true palco of ambulant war.
From it we construct to our first units and structures, defining to the departure the next steps. ' ' economia' ' of Supreme Commander she is composed for two substances, one generated cousin and one. We collect Mass and we produce energy, not having retraction limits. To break daqui she is necessary to balance offers and the form search the one that does not estagnem, destroying this fragile balance. The characteristics of the units vary of faction for faction, where the similar unit between two factions possesss distinct characteristics, as for example in a faction the unit to have more power of attack and in the other faction the unit to have more mobility. The interface of Supreme Commander is competent to the maximum, allowing a panoply of commands, never in leaving defenseless against any situation. Where the rapidity of if finding desired and the simplicity of the shares are made use of an organized form. Another point created well in the game is the transport of our units of battle to strengthen the battalion.
The transport is made of a fast form and thus it will not be necessary to wait an eternity until the elements arrive at the battlefield. In the game way the ground exists some aspects less favorable to the game. That it is the fact of the missions already they capsize drawn with exaggerated battle fronts. Another less aliciante aspect is artificial intelligence, therefore for times the units do not make what we intend what it becomes a little difficult domar of them. in the Multi-player way that the game compensates all the other small imperfections. Here, beyond the diverse conditions of victory that can be configured before each game, the man substitutes the machine and the previsibility of the place the intense maquinaes of cinereous mass, that can be communicated by messages or voice in the battles for you equip. Technical, Supreme Commander is an entrancing game, exactly not being graphically or sonorously magnificent. The system of particles and physics in real-time, where each projctil can see its route interrupted, is capable of delighting in them with the consequentes events most random and that can imagine.