Human Consciousness
Human consciousness and perception – two great mysteries, which are still not solved and is unlikely in the near future, given the bone approach of science to the unknown, will be solved. But something feels, and that something may have benefit. The question arises as to why the same situation different people perceive differently? Why does a person with low self-esteem will perceive spoken quite differently than the same words are absolutely confident person? Hearing there is clearly nothing in common. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Glenn Dubin, New York City. Why would someone sees past, some future? Vision there is also nothing in common. (A valuable related resource: technology investor). Remember the state of love, when the rational mind calms down, around the world simply is changing, becoming something quite different. But the vision and hearing, unless checked by doctors, remained on the same physical level. Try to understand. In this case we must assume that man is not only his physical body and his rational mind, but something more (so it can be understood make the simple technique).
At a minimum, yet his consciousness and his perception. I see consciousness in the form of two cones connected by their vertices. With a small passage, as in the hourglass.