21 Dec 2012, 11:38pm

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Reiterating History

From this vision of education and the proper historical knowledge, the chance slight knowledge had led, many times, to a teleologic and intentional perspective of History. Without losing of seen the complexity of this question, it is important to make possible to the pupils the understanding of that the historical events cannot be explained in simplista way. It is necessary to make to understand them that numerous relations, of different weights and characteristics, intervene with its accomplishment. However, it is known that if the professor really wants to construct one practical one of education of History that privileges the understanding of the subject pupil while of History, of a history that is not given and yes constructed, hardly it will obtain to work the content all programmarian. 2.3. Methodology Reiterating the affirmation from that the history education has suffered some transformations, is observed that the traditional boarding has yielded place the new forms to teach History.

Before, it fit to the pupils the memorization of names, dates, places among others points that added to the pupil only one momentary knowledge. In accordance with (MOREIRA and VASCONCELOS, 2009, P. 36), the good pupil was not that one that wise person to express its creativity. In contrast, he was better evaluated that one that she knew to reproduce ready formulas from a project of questions and answers. This traditional model of education was so impregnated in the mind of the people, who many do not believe that History must be understood and not simply decorated. The new presented boardings have contributed for a redirecionamento of practical the pedagogical ones in the history education. What one expects of educating is that this knows to establish relations between different facts or structures in order to form a vision of set of the historical reality. In this perspective, the pupil leaves to act as a passive being and passes to be understood as a constructor of the knowledge.

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