Method Function
The perception of the citizens is that this if does not constitute as maximum definitive enters professors, many had not perceived as something intrinsic its work and act with certain indifference in relation to this aspect of the profession. Also I see that all the formation depends on the citizen to be or not engaged with the profession. (Subject to) For the interviewed managers, we live in a complex society where innumerable transformations come occurring and considered questions basic as the education, limits, discipline, moral values and ethical, amongst others, they finish being seen for the families as only responsibility of the school. A split between educating and acquisition of knowledge is established, therefore they perceive … to educate, over all, as social function of the family and to construct knowledge as social function of the school. (Subject C). b) Metodolgica boarding of the professor The domain of the knowledge is important, but form as the knowledge is transmitted, used language, resources, examples, at last, what usually we call metodolgicos resources of the professor are determinative, therefore can inhibit or assist the learning of the student. All the citizens of the research believe that stimulaton and incentive are associates to the method used for the professor, and that on this its success depends.
Differences between ways stand out to apply and to organize lessons of a professor for another one. The differences between methodologies of one and another professor visibly are perceived. The professor exists who searchs new ways, alternatives so that the learning occurs. Others, however, do not search resources different and always use the same methodologies and, therefore, they do not stimulate the pupils to the research. (Subject B). The challenge of the formation of the professors … is to have a distinct orientation for its function, is to transform them into professionals of ' ' aprendizagem' ' , instead of specialists who know a subject well and know to explain it, leaving the task to learn as exclusive function of the pupil, which will have to strengthen itself very until assimilating, in fact, what the professor taught to it.