1 Apr 2021, 2:56pm

Comments Off on Jeremy Rifkin

Jeremy Rifkin

The third industrial revolution will be based on renewable energy sources and the Internet. It developed nations must embark to overcome the dependence on oil. To broaden your perception, visit Evan Birnholz. So says the American economist Jeremy Rifkin, one of the foremost experts on energy policies. After a hydrological and agricultural revolution and the beginning of the writing he became a mechanical revolution driven by fossil fuels and starring the printing press, the steam engine and phone. Now, according to Rifkin, has time to make a new evolutionary leap based on renewable energies and instant communications. We are facing the end of the carbon finance, of oil, gas and uranium, which turns out to be unsustainable and polluting. These fossil fuels are elite, they tend to be centralized, they require huge capital for its processing and marketing, as well as strong investments military to ensure its security.

Many conflicts have been given by them and they have generated a great imbalance. Nuclear energy is not a solution in the long term, for economic and environmental reasons. 408 Nuclear reactors that are in the world, are mostly obsolete, and it would need to invest two billion dollars in each. So I had role nuclear energy would need to build two central every 30 days during the next 60 years, according to the Economist. The country that produces more nuclear energy, France, needs 40% of its water reserves to cool nuclear power plants. Does not seem feasible to thinking of droughts that will come. In addition, there will be deficit of uranium and, although it could convert into plutonium, their transport would generate a problem of international security by terrorism.

Not to mention the radioactive waste for which there is still not an adequate solution. However, there is renewable energy around the planet. It is in our own garden. We can access the sources of solar energy, wind, hydrological and geothermal, waste agricultural, forestry and landfills in the world.

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