12 Mar 2017, 1:26pm

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Flash Boost

Good day, dear players. Made a little introduction for those who first heard the word trikz. The concept of trikz, which in Russian can be associated with stunts, come to us because of bugs engine counter-strike. This trend has grown, and at this point people are making a special card to pass through such bugs. Make them not as easy as it seems at first glance, but complex in that there is nothing.

Maps are usually referred to with the prefix trikz_, which in fact logically understandable. To pass trikz you need one partner. Cards are passed in the pair. The main terms you need to know. Run Boost (Run Bust) Sky Jump (Sky Jump) Flash Jump (Flash Jump) Flash Boost (Flash Bust) Mega (Mega) x2 x3 x4 and so on So. Most first, which unfortunately do not have a specific name, it's the usual cast of jump. The player jumps at his partner (in order to jump on the standing player, first press the crouch and then jump), then jumps up and when is at the peak of the jump jumps a second time to jump on the high hurdles. Explain how it's done. The task of the lower player jump in order to be at a partner when he reached the peak of the jump and almost began to fall. The task of the top players to jump a second time (it is better to make the scroll wheel) when it ceased to rise and reached its maximum height.

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