Cotton Linen
Satin – satin weave fabric of cotton or chemical fiber. It has a smooth, silky face surface, which is dominated by weft threads, comes in mostly plain, printed and bleached. Used for the manufacture of linen, dresses, shirts, like lining, etc. Bed linen satin – an excellent alternative to more expensive bed linen made of silk. Sateen is usually made of cotton. Strictly speaking, satin – a fabric made using a special weaving spun cotton yarns. The more twisted filament, the brighter the shine. The surface of the fabric, manufactured using satin weave, smooth, shiny, because the threads in which rarely bent.
It was his brilliance, lightness, and tactile sensations like silk satin. One of the advantages of the material in that it is practically not wrinkled. So if you are not veiled day bed cover, choose satin sheets, and then your bedroom will always be neat and smart. Bed linen satin withstand many washings. It is much cheaper than silk, but more expensive than other cotton fabrics. The best varieties of satin handled specially () to make the fabric stronger light. Some varieties are not subjected to mercerization, but only rolled between the hot rollers, turning round wire into flat, which also gives shine, but in this case, the shine disappears with time, and the fabric can not be considered genuine sateen.
Marking '100% Cotton 'on bed linen, made from satin, indicates that the bed linen is made from pure cotton. Cotton will not stick to the body, beating current or glide over the surface of the bed. Satine has good air permeability, good Cool in summer and warm in winter, creating a favorable microclimate. To check out what made your bed linens, enough to pull a thread and set fire to. Synthetic fibers, burning, leave the black smoke, and natural – white.