31 Jul 2021, 3:28pm

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Collection Services

Meanwhile, the dream of antikollektory won by suit against collectors, to create a legal precedent. Then – on the basis of a judicial decision – it will be easier to defend the rights of all debtors. Unfortunately, no one won the case on for collectors in Novosibirsk known. According to collectors, to go to court and do not rush yourself collectors: we’ll have to reimburse the legal costs, but still not known which side will rise trial. – Typically, when a collection agency understands that the debtor appeared the lawyer, then throw it in the debtor’s special daddy as hopeless – note antikollektory. – Debt collector is easier to get rid of the problematic things to do by another client: intimidated and ready give away their money.

Collectors usually talk like this: “Why make a headache for only 40-50 thousand rubles? I beg to find someone who will pay immediately! “. – Why is the return of collectors to the methods of swashbuckling 90? – Says Andrey Gudkov. – Collection agencies are growing like mushrooms after rain, because people see that it can earn. Why all the shouting on the phone, threatening the debtor and his family? It comes from powerlessness, because the legal methods Collectors can not ensure the recovery from the debtor’s funds. In Novosibirsk, collection agencies simplify life antikollektoram because they act by unlawful means, and it is in violation of the law can be catch. According antikollektory not only debtors are often illiterate banks legally, but the staff collection agencies operate without legal basis.

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